Thursday, September 16, 2010

HELP! S.O.S.! I'm Desperate

you know it's been one of those days where you wake up in the morning and you get the kids fed, bathed, and clothed and you are in the shower before 8:30 a.m. patting yourself on the back.  as you begin to ponder what you could possibly accomplish today because you are WAY ahead of the game you notice your 22 month old walking into the bathroom holding a jar of Vaseline.

that can't possibly be good.

notice how great her eyelashes look with Vaseline on them. gorgeous.
 and then you realize she has emptied the entire contents of the jar into her hair (she has obviously been watching mom get ready one too many times).

three baths and 7 washes later, it's still greasy.  WHAT DO I DO???

please. i'm desperate.



  1. have you tried the dry shampoo in her hair?

  2. I would use dish soap. a good ol DAWN. it cuts through grease right!! My little girl did this with desitin and dish soap was the only thing that got it out! good luck!

  3. Oh man! That stinks. I have no tips for you, but wish you the best of luck! I guess there's always the buzz. j/k :)

  4. Ok, she is so dang cute. I can't believe how big she's gotten! I bet dawn would do the trick.

  5. Okay I am not helpful at all because I have no idea (although she could totally pull off a fuzz-ball buzz) but what do you use vaseline in your hair for? I feel like I'm missing out on some secret use while just using it for dry skin. So many more possibilities!

  6. You made me curious: here's some ideas -

  7. First of all, she's a cutie. Second, lather her up a couple of times with Dawn, and I think you will be golden.

  8. deb, DO NOT USE Vaseline in your hair. haha. i was just referencing applying product to my hair. i repeat, DO NOT USE Vaseline on your hair. :)

  9. Okay..first can I tell you I think this is such a great blog Kristie! Thanks for sharing. Second, good luck with the hair. I have no idea what I would do. The dish soap seems to be a good thing to try.

  10. This is rather interesting. She's so cute though. I have no advice for you. ): Leave it in... it's good for her. Just kidding. :D Try putting baby powder in her hair and washing it out? *Shrugs, worth a try! (: Good luck.

  11. thanks everyone. while i don't think one specific wash did the trick; twelve washes later, it is out. phew.

