Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Always Hit On The Wingman...

if you are a Glamour magazine subscriber you probably saw an excerpt from this book in January's issue. the book is titled Always Hit on the Wingman… and 9 Other Secret Rules for Getting the Love Life You Want, written by Jake, Glamour’s male dating columnist.

i received an e-mail from Glamour asking me to read this book and let you know what i think. done and done. i immediately went to Amazon and saw that a hard copy of this book is available for purchase, or for no charge you can have this book downloaded to your Kindle Reader (a free app i purchased for my smartphone).
i downloaded the book and dove right in. i wasn't exactly sure what to expect given that i am married with kids. how would this really apply to me? i was pleasantly surprised to find that not only does the book give good advice on self-worth and confidence, it is applicable to women in any phase of life.

the title of the book (and theme) is instruction on how to keep things fresh in your relationship, or the relationship you are looking to have. appropriate advice given that Valentine's Day is just around the corner.

Jake gives the advice "How you carry yourself--the confidence you feel--is what men see above all else." i couldn't agree more. he goes on further to say "The woman who deems herself unbeautiful makes a decision for me that I would rather make for myself: She has decided what I should find appealing. Not only that, but she also levels a harsh judgment against me: that I don't have the ability and the powers of perception to see her more deeply than, say, the camera's viewfinder."

i found myself reading Jake's advice and agreeing with many points. he wants us to see our self-worth, our value, and to continue being the best woman we can be. we define who we are, whether that is confident, beautiful, sexy, or funny, it is our choice.

for a good reminder on how to become (or stay) the woman your husband/boyfriend/best friend fell in love with, give this book a look. we can all use a reminder sometimes.


download your free copy or purchase a hard copy at Amazon by clicking here.

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