Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Beauty Box 5

subscription beauty services are one of the latest trends in beauty. most services offer a small monthly fee in exchange for a box of 5-7 products. as with all things in life, the quality and quantity of these items and services vary. some services charge a hefty to fee for boxes that deliver you 5 sample sizes of something you probably could have picked up at your local Sephora for free. others collaborate with designers and trendsetters to provide you with a box full of coveted goodies whose value exceeds the prices you spent. it is hard, but refreshing, to find a subscription service worth their value.

when Beauty Box 5 offered to send me a box for review i was skeptical. at a price point of $10 i was concerned the contents of the box would not be worth the subscription. these days $10 hardly buys you one lip gloss, let alone a box of five products. 

i'm no Nancy Drew but i decided to investigate.

Beauty Box 5 arrived and left me pleasantly surprised. filled with five products including a full size lip gloss and loose eyeshadow, as well as three deluxe sample sizes of mascara, face cleansing wipes and foundation primer. while the products themselves were lesser-known brands (which i assume is how the company is able to charge a low fee for this service) the colors were products i would have chosen myself and well worth the subscription fee.



  1. looks like a winner to me! love the gloss shade.

    1. the gloss was my favorite element of the box :)

