"Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Glasses.com through their partnership with POPSUGAR. While I was compensated by POPSUGAR to write a post about Glasses.com, all opinions are my own."
watching the video above makes me smile - thank you glasses.com. it reminds me of the beauty that can be found in the world with a gentle reminder that my glasses are a big part of seeing that beauty.
when i was younger i proudly boasted about my perfect vision. i would smugly reply when my parents would ask 'what does that say?', silently marveling that they could not read the small print on a sign. it was so easy! i was confident that my vision would stay with me forever.
until it didn't.
with time i began wearing that squinty-eye'd look, you know the one, where you lean forward and scrunch up your face as if that extra three inches from leaning forward will help you see better. it doesn't. then one day i was driving and i realized i couldn't read the road signs. perhaps it was time for glasses.
that was about ten years ago and my vision has been slowly degenerating ever since.
my first pair of glasses opened up a whole new world for me. trees had leaves, i could see blades of grass. grass! it was like a walk down memory lane. all of those things i had once known had slowly been disappearing from my life and now they were back. it was a happy reunion.
along with glasses came the glasses faux pas many of us are guilty of. in involves purchasing a pair of glasses and then wearing the same pair for years. glasses are like any accessory or clothing item and they too go out of style. keeping up with current glasses trends that are always evolving takes a little awareness. thankfully purchasing prescription glasses has never been easier thanks to internet websites which allow you purchase great new glasses in only a matter of minutes - much like glasses.com. re-accessorizing is so simple and you can continue to see the beauty of the earth all while looking fantastically stylish.
glasses.com offers the latest styles in glasses so you don't have to worry about looking out of date. 'Eleanor's' glasses in the film above are Ray Ban frames, a style extremely popular right now. along with glasses frames you can also great sunglasses as well as prescription sunglasses from glasses.com. they pretty much have all your glasses needs covered!

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