Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Holiday Cat Eye & Hair Tutorial

are you sick of videos yet?! this is one is NEW and is the last one i will be posting this week. cross my heart.

i was going to write a review of the new Laura Mercier Holiday collection but a picture tutorial of Cat Eye makeup is not as simple as a video tutorial. Cat Eye makeup during the holidays is a win/win look. it is quick, simple and looks superglam - not a word, but the best definition.

i recently had a reader request a hair tutorial and styling is easier than ever when you have plenty of hairspray and the Spornette Little Wonder teasing brush. i think that brush sees more use than any of the brushes in my hair drawer. it really lives up to its name.

happy Wednesday. 



  1. the hair is sooooo amazing!lovely vid.

  2. I love your videos! Please keep 'em coming. Can't wait to try this hairstyle.

